Memorial High School is fortunate to have many colleges interested in meeting with our students. Juniors and Seniors may obtain passes to visit with these schools in the Fall; Underclassmen may visit with colleges in the Spring during our lunch visits. As MHS is a closed campus, visits during the school day are for MHS students only.
To visit with a college rep, please follow these directions:
1. Check the MHS Counseling website to find out what colleges are coming to MHS, with dates and times.
2. Go to the Green Office before or after school and receive a pass to present to your teacher.
3. Several days before the visit, show the pass to your teacher to confirm that you may miss that class. Tests and quizzes take priority.
*All work must be made up.*
4. Go to the second floor library at the appointed time. If the location changes, there will be a sign in the library or you will be directly notified.
5. Sign in. The sign in sheet goes to the attendance office after the session to excuse your absence from class.
6. Make an excellent first impression!!! This could be the person who reads the application for your first choice university! Best behavior is required.
To visit with a college rep, please follow these directions:
1. Check the MHS Counseling website to find out what colleges are coming to MHS, with dates and times.
2. Go to the Green Office before or after school and receive a pass to present to your teacher.
3. Several days before the visit, show the pass to your teacher to confirm that you may miss that class. Tests and quizzes take priority.
*All work must be made up.*
4. Go to the second floor library at the appointed time. If the location changes, there will be a sign in the library or you will be directly notified.
5. Sign in. The sign in sheet goes to the attendance office after the session to excuse your absence from class.
6. Make an excellent first impression!!! This could be the person who reads the application for your first choice university! Best behavior is required.
Parents, if you see that a college does NOT have a greeter, and you are willing to volunteer for that time slot, please email our College Greeter chairs. Your help is most appreciated!
Most colleges would love for you to don their school colors, but recognize that you might not be able to travel to their campus to see first hand all that they have to offer. In an effort to assist you in learning about their school, they travel the country and "bring the campus to you". Most of these visits occur in hotel meeting rooms or at area high schools and are open to juniors and seniors throughout the city. Below is a list of colleges visiting Houston. Please check the school's website as they might require that you preregister in order to attend.
If you're interested in a college and are able to visit it in person, please do so! It's best to visit during the school week to get the full picture of campus life. Weekends are fine, too, to see the city, the layout of the school, and locate dorms, cafeterias, and recreation areas. If you need to miss school for a visit, remember that juniors and seniors are allowed 2 days per year as excused absences. If you will miss school, please pick up a 'College Visit Letter' from the attendance office. This form must be signed by a college official on your visit and given to the attendance office upon your return to school. Visits may not be taken during the first week of the first semester or the last 6 weeks of the 2nd semester.
Please click on the school logo to view videos prepared in previous years by the respective admissions counselor for that school.