Financial Guidelines

Check Request Forms, Deposit Slips, and Sales Tax Exemption certificate can be found here or in the “Treasurer Forms” PTA mailbox in the front office. If you have any questions about these forms, contact Nicole Delmoro at


Check Requests:

All Check Request Forms must be filled out in their entirety before a check can be issued. Please refer to specific instructions on Check Request Form. Receipts, invoices, or other supporting documentation must be attached. PTA cannot reimburse Sales Tax so make sure to use this Sales Tax Exemption Certificate.



Deposit Slips must be filled out in their entirety and submitted with the funds to be deposited. Both should be turned over to the PTA Treasurer as quickly as possible. Specific instructions are listed on the Deposit Slip form.


Horseshoes Form: 

Click here for the Horseshoes Form.